Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Current WIP Stuff

What do they mean?

These pictures of a Southern California beach, stand up paddle boarder, and Universal Studios showcase some big aspects found in my current work in progress, Missing in Paradise.

There's always plots racing through my head begging for attention, but the one I'm working on sits front and center until the fini is written.  One of the things I do before I delve into the meat of the writing [as in write it all out and then go back, layer by layer, and work through the various strands] is collect images to represent qualities of the person, place, or thing involved.  It's a good way to remember all the nooks that come to mind.  Not all of them stay and some may end up in another story - I won't force something into place merely because I liked it, readers would be able to recognize that and I'm sure wouldn't be happy.

So, want a few hints on the main characters themselves?

Okay, I can share a bit.

Now I'm sure you can guess, but I'll say it anyway, these pics are for the hero. A gentleman called Ivan Scannell [photo taken by David Vance], a rather naked Tommy Lee, and a grammy.

And these pictures highlight the heroine. There's Giada De Laurentiis, Padma Lakshmi, and a studio audience.

Fun times!

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