Let me share a something about me.
I am a fashion hound, love it, but don't necessarily need to wear it. However, in recent years I have found an affection for purses. Who knows why this has started, but it has and I am enjoying the bags I have acquired.
The brown one to the far right you can hardly see, its a small bag on a long strap and one I've had for 20+ years. Told you I wasn't that into purses. Next came the red bucket ... love it because it is color and the perfect size. The blue was a total random "love the color, love the bag, love it and I want it now" purchase. I've used it the most and it has an ink stain on the bottom :-(. Then there's the pretty shiny pink little bucket that just makes me smile when I carry it. The big backpack I use to travel when I need to carry my laptop and the smaller one on top is for the serious travel and plan to do the tourist thing.
Now there's a new bag in town!
It's my birthday and the cutie has given me what I'm calling a trophy purse ... it is absolutely stunning, sophisticated and unlike any of my other purses. There is a shoulder strap but I'll never use it and I promise to take care of it ... it's LOVELY!
So, get working the Rafflecopter form! There are two ways to gain extra entries: Like my Facebook page and Tweet about the contest ... easy stuff ... now GO!.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sorry, no international entries ... these bags are too BIG!
I like your new purse.:) I have 6 purses and only use 1 but I call the other ones my back ups. lol
Thank you darlin'! I like the idea of back ups although I think I might be a as the mood strikes or possibly a seasonal choice ... we'll see, for now, it's all about the trophy purse :-)
That is a gorgeous purse and how wonderful that it was a gift! I too have a few different purses to go with different outfits, although mine are of the smaller size.
Thanks so much for such a great giveaway!
Thank you Jody, I do love it and it actually isn't that big ... 2 cans of Coke and a book would fit wonderfully. Size does matter, I am definitely not a big carry everything and the kitchen sink kind of gal and it sounds like you aren't either :-)
As for the giveaway, couldn't think of a better time to do it!
2 people have had their names pulled and contacted for addresses ... thank you all for entering and congrats to the two winners :-)
Congrats to the winners (I'm assuming it's Sheila and Shannon)! Enjoy your goodies! I'm totally jealous and might have to stalk your mail carriers to "borrow" a book or two or......LOL!
Wasn't me Jody, I'll be with you on the stalking. lol
Sorry guys, I put your names in a bowl with those from the contest program I used and happened to pull two that were from the latter, Rafflecopter ... not to worry though, I'll do something in the new year if not before :-)
It's a plan, Sheila! Let the covert stalking commence....LOL!
Congrats to the winners.:)
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