Monday, May 07, 2007

Gone to the Beach!

Well, I've been trying to "borrow" internet time from some unlocked networks out here and there's nothing good on offer. Riptide, I'm sorry, your internet sucks! So, early this morning I went down to JP's for a croissant, chocolate milk and some free wifi, but no go.

Everyone, cruel as it may sound...I'm going to the beach, to the right of this cove here [don't want to be sent dashing across the reef by a rogue surfer]. I'll return to normal [whatever that is] in a couple of weeks unless I can find some strong internet sooner :-)


Sparky Duck said...

yep, color me jealous

Tempest Knight said...

Enjoy your time at the beach! :D

Tilly Greene said...

No jealousy backside is a fine shade of red and I forgot my bandeau top so now I have white strap lines and a strapless dress to wear. And yet I'm back in the land of endless soy chips and a greasy burger joint three blocks away, nothing can bother me :-)

Thanks Tempest...I am and can't wait for the cutie to fly in from the arctic circle to do a little relaxing as well.

Sherrill Quinn said...

Have a great time, Tilly. And when you get've been tagged! Head over to my blog ( for details. :)

Tilly Greene said...

Thank you Sherrill, it was fabulous and I'm heading over for directions now :-)!