Hi, Tilly,
Thank you for allowing me to be your guest and for joining us on Destiny Blaine's Twelve Days of Christmas Blog Tour.
Today, I’m promoting my latest release, Waking up the Arguably Dead, a new novel from Passion in Print. Waking up the Arguably Dead is a ménage paranormal romance with comic relief. While writing this manuscript, I felt an unexplainable tug to keep Drake and Addison monogamous. However, Martin (Addison’s neighbor) found a way to pursue her and while his unusual tactics aren’t exactly what I would find appealing in a man, he somehow won Addison’s heart.
Drake Valentine owned it from the start.
Drake is an Alpha male but he isn’t the typical Alpha I normally write. He has a softer side and knows from the moment he meets Addison , she belongs to him. Blountville , Tennessee wouldn’t have been his choice location for mate hunting but Drake lands in this rural area and later discovers someone in his family played a very important role in why he was drawn there.
Waking up the Arguably Dead is a Dark Paranormal MFM Romance with comic relief elements. Readers will get a glimpse inside my hometown as they flip the pages of this Passion in Print novel. They’ll see what I see while driving down Blountville's Main Street and they'll discover a country store, while somewhat fabricated, where many of us pop in for an ice cold soda and good conversation.
Waking up the Arguably Dead introduces readers to Granny Myrtle, a spunky little old woman who is several characters all wrapped up in one. I created Granny from a few country grandmothers I’ve had the pleasure of meeting at least once. As for Addison : Well, I don't know anyone quite like our heroine but she sure is one lucky gal. Read the book and find out why a lot of girls in these parts might be a little envious.
In this novel, you’ll meet Melissa, the LPN over at the local physician’s office. I’m happy to say she is true to form. No, there isn’t a Dr. Michaels in Blountville, but Melissa lives here. She’s a saucy little vixen who knows what she wants and doesn’t care to tell everyone how much she’s enjoyed getting it. The first name has been changed to protect the promiscuous and as far as I know the real ‘Melissa’ never worked a day in her life. You'll like her. She's full of surprises.
Since Waking up the Arguably Dead is a ménage romance that almost wasn’t, I wanted to reach out to your readers today and ask a few questions:
Do you read more erotic romance with M/F romance elements or ménage romances? If you read ménage, what limitations do you have? Is there such a thing as one too many?
Leave a comment here today. I have a special snail mail package ready to deliver to one lucky commenter. One random winner will be chosen later this evening.
Thanks so much for allowing me to be your guest, Tilly!
[Entirely my pleasure, darlin' - always looking for a new read and am adding this one to my TBB list for Christmas :-) TG]

Waking up the Arguably Dead by Destiny Blaine
Passion in Print
MFM Paranormal-Vampire
Buy eBook or Paperback
Waiting to Die Can be Such a Drag
Martin Cartwright's neighbor receives disheartening news. She's dying. As far as Martin can tell, Addison has never looked better, but when daily sightings of his beautiful neighbor become few and far between, Martin realizes Addison isn't too keen on living. And he decides to help her get on with dying.
Martin plans to scare Addison into living. Unbeknownst to him, someone is watching with similar goals. Only Drake Valentine's interests in the lovely Miss Deveraux vary from Martin's ambitions. Soon, Addison must choose between living in the shadows of sickness and stepping into the darkness where she's always been drawn.
Addison Deveraux stared at her family physician for several minutes, unable to speak and incapable of processing the information he relayed. She focused on the white walls around her. She skimmed over the medical licenses and board certifications, eventually narrowing her gaze on the overstuffed plastic brochure rack housing material about common medical problems. The entire time, she remained faintly aware of her doctor’s monotone voice. An avid movie enthusiast, Addison disconnected from the moment and recalled a recent flick she’d watched.
She remembered one scene in particular where a woman learned of her life-destroying health circumstance. Thanks to modern day technology, the character slipped into a mindboggling funnel surrounded by noise typically found in a seashell. The echo intensified and the room scrambled into spinning pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
On the big screen, the actress sobbed. The doctor calmly provided information about the disease for which she’d been diagnosed and the woman finally zoomed in on those fated words: “You’re dying.”
Addison blinked. “I am?”
“Addison,” Dr. Michaels began gently, “Haven’t you heard a word I just said?”
She swallowed. “No, I was…”
Thinking about dying.
“Addison, this isn’t something you should take lightly,” Dr.Michaels stressed, leaning over his desk. An older man with salt and pepper hair, Dr. Michaels wore tinted large-rimmed glasses and resembled someone who might have been chosen to portray a physician delivering detrimental news.
Addison watched his mouth move. His words hummed all around her, beating into her ears like a hollow drum. “Treatment is something we should discuss together. This isn’t the end and that’s it.”
Boom. Boom. Boom. The maddening tempo gained momentum.
Advice slipped from his lips but the words ran together in a never-ending slur. “Think of diagnosis as a transition. By the time you’ve processed the information I’ve given you, you’ll be ready to face the days ahead. In the end, you’ll be much better off.”
She gulped. There it was. The dreaded statement,
You’ll be much better off.
How many times had she attended a funeral for one of her grandmother’s friends and heard the same thing? Mary Lou Cornell went to a better place. Dan Bradley was much better off after both arms and one leg were amputated.
Carla Sue Davis found Jesus after living on the streets and working for some pimp who decided to repay her years of servitude with continual beatings. And Barbara Jo Jones faced death the same way she’d faced living; always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
No indeed, Addison refused to walk down the same road chosen by Granny Myrtle’s best friends, or her cousin Gertrude, who for some reason received her bad news and decided to kick the bucket, before the bucket smacked her upside her head. No way. Addison planned to do a little better for herself. She’d die on her own terms.
The way Addison met death was her decision. Since she had a choice in the matter, she planned to go on out there and greet death—take her fate by the horns and ride the daylights out of it.
Yep, it was time to get on with dying.
Copyright © 2010 Destiny Blaine
Buy eBook or Paperback Link:
Destiny Blaine