Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Sharing the Love Blog Bash starts on Hump Day!

Normally I'd share a super hot guy but I thought I'd share some super hot news instead.  The Coming Together, Erotic Alturism, group of authors are Sharing the Love on Lisabet Sarai's Beyond Romance blog throughout the month.  We're going to tell personal stories, offer sizzling excerpts and host a contest or more - there's a $50 All Romance eBooks gift certificate and Alessia Brio, the creator and editor for the Coming Together books, is putting up a Kindle Fire to be won by a commenter.

The lineup for the month of passion is:

1st - Alessia Brio

2nd - Lisabet Sarai

3rd - Remittance Girl

4th - Heather Lin

5th - Ann Regentin

6th - Victoria Blisse

7th - Lisabet Sarai

8th - Sacchi Green

9th - Gia Blue

10th - Xan West

11th - Erobintica

12th - Andrea Dale

13th - Jean Roberta

14th - Rick Reed

15th - Robert Buckley

16th - Brenna Lyons

17th - C. Sanchez-Garcia

18th - Amelia June

19th - M. Christian

20th - Teresa Lamai

21st - Tilly Greene [and yes I shall be giving something away as well :-)]

22nd - Giselle Renarde

23rd - Aliyah Burke

24th - Annabeth Leong

25th - Raziel Moore

26th - Allison Wonderland

27th - Gayle C. Straun

28th - Daniel Burnell

29th - Lee Benoit

That's an author every day, including leap day - shall be fun!

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