Friday, February 26, 2010

AN OPEN LETTER from E. Cameron Stacy

Dear Earthlings:

Thanks to those of you who have purchased my books. Please also consider buying titles associated with 28 Days of Heart whether it’s mine or not. My contribution is just about candy anyway.

1. Describe a moment that really tugged at your heart.
The devastation from the earthquake in Haiti.

2. What is the most romantic thing that you've ever done?
Dropped everything and got on a plane to Europe with my true love.

3. Share a little about why you chose to participate in 28 Days of the Heart.
I’m involved with several organizations for humanity and continue to add to the list. It’s just the right thing to do.

4. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your stories?
Whatever the pay off is or isn’t, your best bet is to say what you want.

5. What do you enjoy reading? Can you name your five favorite authors?
Chuck Palahniuk, Chuck Palahniuk, Chuck Palahniuk. Okay there are others. Robert Harris comes to mind.

6. Reading romance reduces stress and can help relax you from your worries. Do you feel that writing romance helps you cope with your own worries and stress?
Nope. I’m more stressed most of the time than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Deadlines. But I love it.

Projects in the works: the third installment of the Quench series entitled Quenched and Hell’s Guitar Hero.



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Buy this and any other 28 Days of Heart eBooks from ARe or OmniLit and all proceeds go to the American Heart Association.  You can preorder and a copy will be delivered into your library on release day!

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