Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/helena.harker.9
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Guest eBook/Book Talk Day with @HelenaHarker and her Master's Submission!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/helena.harker.9
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 1 comments
Labels: book talk, ebook talk, Ellora's Cave, guest blogging, Helena Harker
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Talking erotic research on Booked and Loaded + they have a giveaway! #AADSAV

There's an interesting - never thought I'd use it - quote, dirty hints and details about the soon to be released Leather Bride [November 21st!], a Booked and Loaded giveaway from my backlist, and much more ... all fabulous fun!
Head over there and check it out, make a comment ... who knows, you might win :-)
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: BDSM, Booked and Loaded, contemporary, erotic romance, exhibitionism, fetishism, giveaway, Leather Bride, research, Tilly Greene
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
NYC is a glamorous world and the pleasure found there is pure decadence... it's PLEASURED IN NEW YORK CITY!
Order at ARe|Amazon|BN|Smashwords
After months of begging, she was wearing sexy scraps of next to nothing, tied to his bed and seconds from being taken. Mary had given him all the permission and voiced all the trust needed for him to bind and possess her until she screamed with satisfaction.
Any second he was going to strip her, touch her bare body wicked way, take her to heaven and she was going to be screaming her pleasure…any second now…
New York City is a glamorous world and the pleasure found there is pure decadence.
WARNING: This erotica bondage short is all sex!
“Oh, baby girl, you look so sexy. Give me your safe word. Let me hear you say the word so I know you remember it.”
“I trust you, totally, and won’t need it.”
“Humor me,” he murmured while running a hand down her arm until a fingertip circled around her armpit. She almost giggled and then the word he was looking for was spoken in a clear tone.
“It’s frost, but I know I won’t need it.”
“Promise me you’ll use it if you’re scared or hurt by anything we—” She cut him off before he could finish his plea.
“Stop! Enough of this! Come here and love me.”
Richard sat beside her on the bed. His cock pulsed with need to bury itself inside her tight grasp. Leaning over, he pressed his lips against hers, testing the resiliency of her soft plump folds. Mary meant the world to him. When he hadn’t been looking, he’d found the one woman who completed him. He’d do anything in his power to make sure her life was peaceful, full of love and joy, and his lover.
It was only a year ago, he’d walked into a gallery in Chelsea for an opening and, with one look, his entire world turned upside down and inside out. He’d been left uncomfortably open and vulnerable before her and yet didn’t question the discovery. Instead, he went with the flow of unimagined power and the woman who brought it and this new side of him to the surface.
Taking her bottom lip between his teeth, he looked into her green eyes and tugged, before letting the fold go. Once released her lips didn’t close but remained enticingly parted as she panted for air. There was a hunger radiating from her that he wanted and would have after he teased it a bit further toward breaking.
“Do you remember the night we met?”
“Of course. I was attending the opening in a well-respected gallery for an up-and-coming artist who the critics were touting had unbelievable talent, ability, and finesse. She was everything they said and more. Her carved stone appeared so fluid-like. You were too handsome and so sure of yourself. Walking up and introducing yourself in your deep sexy voice, then offering me a glass of champagne drew my attention away from your other flaws. No doubt from the minute you saw me, you’d quickly determined I’d be an easy catch for a stud like you, and I was. Now will you fuck me?”
“Hmmm, so demanding and eager. You know how much I love that about you. So much so, I’ll ignore the flaws bit.” He could tell she was anxious for what was coming her way. Her body fairly vibrated with need and had already ramped up until she was seconds away from shaking out of her skin. There was no rush. He wanted to enjoy every inch of her body.
“How about if I beg? Will you take me then?”
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: BDSM, bondage, contemporary, ebook, erotica, Pleasured in New York City, Tilly Greene
Friday, November 09, 2012
Registration Drive! Bookie Award Voting! I'm talking #AADSAV people!
The Authors After Dark 2012 attendees nominated their favorite books, authors and communities for the Bookie Awards and I was one them - so exciting
Shifter Non-Wolf Novel of the Year
Blood and Silver by James R. Tuck
Croc & the Fox by Eve Langlais
Come Back by Tilly Greene
When a Dragon Lusts a Woman by Dagmar Avery and Charlotte Steele
Yah! Now it's time to vote - actually those attending are the only ones who can vote, which leads me to the second thing I wanted to tell you.
The bestest readers conference is more than 50% sold and the organizers want to get that number up to 75% by Christmas. How they're going about doing that is offering some seriously fabulous incentives. There are such things as 2 VIP badge upgrades and 2 registrations for 2014 as well as drinks, books, meals and more with a variety of authors!
Check out the list here and then go register!
So, if you're already registered, then VOTE! The polls have officially opened and ends on November 15, winners will be announced at the Bookie Awards Ceremony in Savanna, Georgia in August 2013.
The Authors After Dark 2013 con will be held in Savannah, GA and registration is now open.
Looking forward to seeing you there and talking BOOKS!
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: AAD 2013, Authors After Dark, readers conference. Savannah, Tilly Greene
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
An erotica vampirish TASTE FOR BLOOD in Whitby England - home of Dracula!
eBook available from All Romance|Amazon|BN|Smashwords
The corner was raucously loud, full of talk about sex and the boyfriends, husbands, and a soon-to-be husband they were doing it with. There were plenty of dirty details shared that Ella found hard to believe actually took place. The ladies were probably more vanilla in the bedroom than kinky, which Ella personally preferred.
After handing out the drinks, she started back to the bar when one of the girls chased her down for a private word. She thought the young woman was going to order another round of drinks and tried to think of a way to say no. Except for Grandma, the entire group was a drink beyond over served.
“The bloke behind the counter, is he available? You see, my friend, the bride-to-be, is totally hot for him and, well, you know how it is. She wants a last shag before the ring goes on for good. We heard down in Leeds about a guy in Whitby who has a sexy bite that leaves you weak and a pierced willy that’s totally wicked to ride. That’s fucking hot.”
Oh boy, that was not what she’d expected the other woman to say. It wasn’t going to happen.
“No, sorry, he’s with me,” she confided with a wink and went back to the bar. She picked up glasses as she made her way through the room. Stopping at a few tables, she chatted with the locals she’d befriended during her short time at the pub.
“Would you like another, Sean? Last call is coming up.”
“Thank you, Ella.” It was dark inside the pub and she tried to catch a glimpse of his face, but couldn’t see much. The man was a mystery to her in many ways, which was odd since she could usually read anyone. No, Sean was a slate wall of sorts. Cool, hard and smooth, but everyone had a weak spot and he was hers.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: $0.99, blood lust, erotica, light vampire, piercing, Taste for Blood, Tilly Greene
Monday, November 05, 2012
Remember, remember the fifth of November - its time for this old ditty!
It's Guy Fawkes Day and the cutie is wearing his Englishness proudly! Here's the ditty for this holiday ... the whole dirty lot! Now grab some parkin, a pint of fine English ale, stack some branches for a wee bonfire [ours all blew away thanks to 'Sandy'] and sing along:
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes,'twas his intent
to blow up the King and the Parliament.
Three score barrels of powder below,
Poor old England to overthrow:
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!
Hip hip hoorah!
A penny loaf to feed the Pope.
A farthing o' cheese to choke him.
A pint of beer to rinse it down.
A faggot of sticks to burn him.
Burn him in a tub of tar.
Burn him like a blazing star.
Burn his body from his head.
Then we'll say ol' Pope is dead.
Hip hip hoorah!
Hip hip hoorah!
Posted by Tilly Greene at 6:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Bonfire Night, Holiday - Guy Fawkes Day, personal, Remember Remember the Fifth of November, Tilly Greene