Tuesday, March 10, 2009

eBook Talk!

It's Read an eBook Week, so obviously I'm focusing on eBooks today. There are fiction to non-fiction, genre to classics, short to epic in length all available and more of them coming out everyday. This appeals to me because my reading choices vary on what I'm doing, where I am and what I'm in the mood for.

In the past two weeks, I've read [talking books here] on my iTouch:

"The Queen of Spades" by Aleksandr Pushkin [classic]
"Blood Bond" by Gwendolyn Cease [paranormal erotic romance/vampire]
"Peeping Tom" by Rachelle Le Monnier [contemporary/erotica]
"Price of Passion" by Susan Napier [romance]
"Career Novelist" by Donald Maass [non-fiction] [still reading]
"The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas [classic] [still reading]

I've read [meaning books again] on my laptop:

A snippet from Baal and Bondage by Selena Illyria [paranormal erotic romance]

To go alongside all the great ebooks, there are also some facinating advances going on in the device development sector, some great looking and sounding prototypes, and the ones I'm looking forward to seeing more about are:

Plastic Logic

However, I personally think the for ereading devices need to come down. Way down.

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