Check out Tilly Greene's Monthly Scorcher for all the latest news, interesting tidbits, chats to attend and much more, including where you can win a Tilly Greene tote bag this month.
Tilly Greene
WARNING! Red hot romances ahead!
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Monday, April 30, 2007
The May Scorcher is OUT!
Posted by Tilly Greene at 7:45 AM 2 comments
Labels: ebook, erotic romance, monthly scorcher, newsletter, Tilly Greene
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Naughty Thought for Monday!
Would you put one of these on your desk and use it?
Yes, good for the wrist.
Not a chance, doesn't go with the decor.
Yes, if there was a joy stick version.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Labels: erotic musings, misc, naughty thought for monday
Where will I go this month?
This month my work calendar will take me to a lagoon of Aitutake, Cook Islands, South Pacific.
Already I feel relaxed and ready to go wherever my fingertips and imagination decide we should travel. Sitting there on the sand, I wonder, would I be able to paddle over to that other island in the distance? Maybe it's shallow and I can walk or swim. Nah, I'll just sit right here, enjoy the sun and breeze rustling through the palm fronds.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A bit of random ridiculousness...
I'm on the treadmill, holding in my stomach, standing straight, lifting weights, drinking water, walking faster and a picture flashed on the tv screen.
Immediately I remember my favorite quote from this actor. It came in British tv mini-series 'State of Play' and he says sarcastically:
“Either he’s fakin’ it or he’s nobbin’ her,”*
Exercising while laughing is dangerous! We're going to go see 'Hot Fuzz' this weekend!
*=translation if needed - "nobbin'" is another way of saying fucking. Classic line delivered in the middle of a busy newspaper office about a politician. The cutie and I will always pull this one out when we see him.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 4:18 PM 2 comments
Labels: movie, personal, random ridiculousness, Tilly Greene
Thursday 13 - #7!
Two things happened this week that brought this list about. First, I gave the cutie a new robe for his birthday and the second, I finished my current reread. I'm not picking up another book until I've finished proof reading another authors story [Soon, I'm going to blog about some of these because they are great!] So, yes, this week its about book. More specifically, 13 places I have them stored and ready to be read.
1. Dining room
2. Living room
3. Downstairs hallway
4. Kitchen
5. Study
6. The Cutie’s robe [also known as The Library] hanging on the bathroom door.
7. Attic
8. My backpack, with so much tooing and froing, the pocket pc [also my ebook reader] w/1G card holding over 1000 books stays has been left here.
9. My car, in the emergency basket
10. Cutie’s car
11. My Mom’s house, in my old room, above the closet.
12. My in-laws, in the Cutie’s room in his old dresser.
13. The most obvious place of all…current read on the beside table.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 4:13 PM 20 comments
Labels: book talk, ebook talk, personal, thursday thirteen, Tilly Greene
Hump Day Reflections!
Red, patent leather, studded heels, high heels, were a treat to herself. While she dressed in a basic manner, her shoes were out there, full of passion she wished she had someone to explore it with.
A simple, crisp cotton, white dress shirt, with the collar up and the cuffs rolled a couple of times skimmed over her large bust. Anyone who looked could see her nipples poking through the shirt and her thin bra, one chosen for looks not construction. No matter what type of bra she wore, her breasts were always jiggling around and nipples hard, standing at attention for the right person to come up and take them in hand.
She had a pencil slim, black, skirt clung to her curves, tightly enough to give her a seductive strut, but it was all about the shoes tonight. She was tired of waiting around for the right guy, this hump day night out with the girls, she was going to take the right guy for now.
Looking around she didn't notice any of her friends were here and figured she was early again. No matter, it would give her time to peruse the room, see if there were any likely candidates.
Bracing a hand on the bar, she hooked one heel on the lower rung of an empty stool she'd found around toward the end and hopped up, with as much elegance as she could muster. Shifting her knees forward, she smiled and waited to catch the bartender's eye. Letting her gaze occassionally drift, she saw there were a few good looking men there tonight, but she wanted something more than looks and her shoes made that clear.
The music was loud, almost too loud to talk to anyone. Tapping her toes to the old Stone's song, she'd was startled by someone touching her hand. Looking up she found a man standing there waiting to take her drink order. He had the most incredible green eyes and slightly curly brown hair, very nice. She smiled and leaned over the bar to give him her drink order, and, of course, tease him with a glimpse of her cleavage.
"Margarita, please. Shaken, no salt or - oh!"
Fingers pinched, hard, and rolled her nipples as she ordered. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes immediately darted up to meet his.
"I'm Mike, and I want to see these luscious beauties bare and begging for me."
"Oh my."
"Is that a yes?" He tugged her trapped points, encouraging her to move further over the bar, popping her ass up even further. Once her lips were a breath away, he shouted, "I bet you're a screamer, I love to hear a woman screaming with pleasure as I fuck her again and again."
It took her a minute but she finally managed to momentarily drag her brain from focusing on the moisture gathering between her legs. Her pussy beat faster than the Charlie Watt's on the drums. This was what she wanted, someone to grab hold and tell her she'd come. Come often, hard and loud.
Because they were so close, when she licked her lips, she caught his as well. Opening her mouth, she used her teeth and bit down on his lower lip. She didn't draw blood, but hard enough so he knew she wanted what he had to offer. The green of his eyes was soon taken over by the spreading black pupil.
"I'm Angela, and that was my yes, please."
With a last hard pinch of her nipples, he strode around the bar and helped her off the stool. Placing a possessive hand on her ass, he guided her through the throng and immediately into an office. Once the door was shut, he walked a few steps away from her, turned back around and told her to strip.
"...except for the shoes, those say it all, don't they, baby. I'm guessing you like it clean and kinky." He'd folded his arms across his chest, looking strong, masterful, and completely sure of himself.
Nodding her head, she unbuttoned her blouse as she fed her body's need to please him, seduce him, encourage him to fuck her as she wanted. The monumental bulge in his jeans told her she wouldn't leave this office disappointed.
The red shoes had been the perfect choice.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 3:16 PM 3 comments
Labels: erotic musings, hump day reflections, Tilly Greene
The Leather Bride mini book trailer
Posted by Tilly Greene at 8:27 AM 4 comments
Labels: bondage, ebook, erotic romance, The Leather Bride, Tilly Greene, trailer
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Naughty Thought for Monday!
Posted by Tilly Greene at 4:17 PM 4 comments
Labels: erotic musings, naughty thought for monday, sexy photo, Tilly Greene
Oh what a glorious day...
1. It's beautiful been a stunningly beautiful weekend and we're home to enjoy it.
2. Yesterday Man U. drew with Boro so the household is at peace [even though the cutie has a call for "we've been robbed" missed penalty.
3. Last night we went to friends and the cutie played with his birthday present - copious amounts of sticks, twigs, bottles and cans to burn in a barrel while drinking copious amounts of beer. [Yup, this is how combustion scientists party, and yes, there is an element of safety involved, not that it is obvious to us laymen].
4. The cutie is bbq'ing burgers - mmmm.
5. The Devil's WON bring on Ottawa!
Oh what a glorious day today is :-)
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A bit of random ridiculousness...
The cutie picked up the kettle, ready to clean his prized possession [an electric speedy kettle for those quick cups of tea], right there next to my mini frother and a jar of mini-marshmallows.
When he took the kettle over to the sink, better light, uh-oh, he discovered I make a mess when making a cup of hot chocolate. In my defense, the mini frother works best if the blade is hovering around the top of the liquid, hence the fine splatter. I thought I'd be honest here and change the contrast on the pic - show the evidence in all it's glory.
Get over it cutie, I'm not going to stop making the good stuff :-)
Posted by Tilly Greene at 1:37 PM 6 comments
Labels: life, misc, personal, random ridiculousness, Tilly Greene
Thursday 13 - #6!
The cutie and I have been doing our annual, do I still want to keep this book because real estate for the tomes is at a premium. One entire shelf hold our albums - yes, albums! - and we keep asking ourselves, should we keep them? We have no player that will work in this country, and the one we had for the other has been boxed in the attic for a few years now. So, I went through my singles, see if anything shook loose and there were exactly they are in no particular order:
1. Joe Jackson (a) Real Men and (b) Chinatown
1982 - still love Joe Jackson, he's on my ipod and I remember all the words - okay, most.
2. The Untouchables (a) The General (b) Tropical Bird
1983 - have to keep this one, every Thursday we used go watch them play. I even remember the shop I found this one in, got some lovely second hand sweaters at the same time.
3. The Untouchables (a) Dance Beat (b) Twist and Shake
1982 - this one, says its a "First Edition" [thought that only related to books], was had at one of their concerts.
4. The Clash (a) Gates of the West (b) Groovy Times
1979 - this one is marked "Demonstration Not For Sale", don't remember where I got it.
5. The Queer Pills [more commonly known as The Angry Samoans] (a) Stupid Jerk, Time to Fuck and The Todd Killings (b) They Saved Hitler's Cock
1981 - my punk phase, and I was a very tidy punker - only my earrings were out there :-)
6. Dead Kennedys (a) Moral Majority (b) Nazi Punks - Fuck Off
No year but I paid $1.49 at Tower Records for it - on sale from $2.49, bargain.
7. NastyFacts (a) Gotta Get To You/Crazy 'Bout You (b) Drive My Car
1981 - hmmm, don't really remember this one either but from the cover I'm think it was slightly punkish.
8. The Fun Boy Three (a) Summer Time (b) Summer of '82
1982 - I was a huge fan of The Specials, and still adore Terry Hall, my only excuse for this one.
9. Madness (a) Guns (b) One Better Day
1984 - am an even bigger fan of Madness, have every single one of the cassettes, albums, CD's, everything and have even bought their more recent offerings played out as Dangermen Sessions.
10. Madness (a) Driving in My Car (b) Animal Farm: Tomorrow's Dream Warp Mix
1982 - they still tour and give a racous concert.
11. Madness (a) Cardiac Arrest (b) In the City
1981 - another Tower Records find, paid $3.99
12. Madness (a) Memories (b) Grey Day
1981 - Graham McPherson, Suggs, has a radio show on Virgin Radio every day at tea time [9:00am est]
13. Madness (a) It Must Be Love (b) Shadow on the House
1981 - It Must Be Love, recently used by Levi for a commercial, was the inspiration for "Extreme Speed, Total Control".
So, should I get rid of them because we can't listen to them, or keep them for the memories?
Posted by Tilly Greene at 1:35 PM 34 comments
Labels: life, misc, music, personal, thursday thirteen, Tilly Greene
Monday, April 16, 2007
Hump Day Reflections!
Susan sat back in a big black leather, watching the parade of young studs pass by, trying to tempt her to pick them. Occassionally her interest was peaked by a particularly fine ass, a serious set of abs, or smooth chocolate flesh. They were all handsome, strong, and tempting men, how could she possibly choose just one? Maybe two, or three would be an even better option. Half way through the line and she was feeling, well, she was feeling them all, each sexy hunk, down there, between her legs.
The pulsating need had to be put to the side, for the time being at least. Right now she needed to be cold, practical, level-headed and emotionally distant from them all. It was only sex after all.
Then, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him. Sitting up a little straighter, her gaze moved beyond those strutting slowly in front of her, tracing down the line of men to one just out of range. Susan didn't want to wait for him to make his way before, she wanted to see more and leaned forward to take all of him in as he came closer.
Completely nude, not too muscular but fit and tight, he walked with a catlike grace, with his big pendulous cock and balls swinging with confidence between his toned legs. She was tempted to reach out and stroke the smooth tool to see it fully erect. Oh, he was good, perfect in fact, but she had to hear him say something before she made her choice. Once he was standing almost directly in front of her, Susan put on her best lustful leer, lifted a perfect eyebrow and started in.
"Hey there, Stud, you know how to use that fine looking club or does it prefer to hang around instead?"
"What, this?" He reached down, grabbed hold of the hard rod and started to easily rub his hand up and down the long length. With the third stroke, the cock stood firm and impressive all on it's own.
Her mouth dropped open of its own volition, only just managing to stop the drool from spilling. Shit, this was exactly what she was looking for.
"Very nice, you get hard this easily for all the ladies?"
"No, just the one's hiring for a condom commercial. I'm gay."
Posted by Tilly Greene at 12:01 PM 5 comments
Labels: erotic musings, hump day reflections, life, misc, Tilly Greene
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Naughty Thought for Monday!
Brave, and after a few lessons I'd try it at least once?
Are you crazy? I'm not getting naked on a motorbike!
Someone who'd do this is someone I'd want to do.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 10:08 PM 8 comments
Labels: erotic musings, misc, naughty thought for monday, sexy photo, Tilly Greene
Oh boy, here we go...
our little town is flooding.
The driveway is pooling at the bottom and the cellar is spouting water from the walls into a bucket, and not a sieve this time [I double checked]. In town the sandbags are out and the road going beside the Museum ending at Main Street has now been officially closed and the barriers up for the end of our street. The cutie went in, got a cuppa tea and had a little gossip for the latest...not good is the consensus.
At least we were able to get the German student around to see a bit of the City yesterday, now our fingers are crossed his flight goes, otherwise we're heading to the airport to pick him and bring him here.
Update on Sunday night: Really not good at all. The weir has disappeared and the river is flowing fast and furiously around here [you can't see the bottom run of the fence off to the right of the picture]. For now, it looks like the Museum and a restaurant on the other side of the bridge are the worst off, but we'll go down to the tea shop for a cuppa in the morning. Hopefully no more businesses suffer - town is only one block long so we'll miss even one place!
Update on Monday morning: Wow, it was pretty bad.
We went in to town for a hot drink and found a duck floating down the street. Once we saw how furiously the water was flowing, we understood he wanted a better, safer, ride. A few of the other bridges are out and houses on the river itself are really feeling it. Guess the freaky moment was the snow we are randomly hit with.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thursday 13 - #5!
I have a problem with using public restrooms...and it was there long before I saw Trainspotting! However, I have been in a few that were interesting to say the least. Had to pay for toilet paper in Lisbon - men and women in the same facility [yes, I was desperate!] and one in India where a lady offered to help [NO, thank you!]. On the other hand there's the one in Osmotherly that formally and proudly notes the Queen visited there, the gorgeous art nuveau restroom upstairs at Angelina's, oh, and one that made it into 'Taming Marie Antoinette' but I'll save that for another day. Anyway, I got to thinking, are there any interesting restrooms out there? Someplace you won't mind going into? Well, as you can imagine, I thought not, so eventually I narrowed this search down to urinals...unique urinals and 2 restrooms [see, women really don't have good options].
Beautiful flowers sculpted by Clark Sorenson
Want to be measured, photographed or oogled, while you go? Then this is the place for you.
Here you pick your station by your, um, size...but what if you don't know the metric system?
Want some help finishing, then the Shakutron is for you.
Hmm, rather beautiful and irreverant in Spain.
Floating around on the International Space Station? Here's your facilities. All I can say is, if a man can't make it into a traditional loo on earth, how is he supposed to make it in this tiny cup while moving on average 17239.2 miles an hour through space?
Pick your horse by the stall, or your urinal by your horse, at a loo in Alberta Canada.
Smile, you're on candid camera!
Interesting and elegant spoons sculpted by Phillip Walls.
Well, how to freak out a tourist, point them to a randomly appearing public restroom.
Best view of Hong Kong is from the men's room at The Felix.
At least you won't miss your flight from this restroom in Stockhold Arlanda Airport in Stockholm.
Okay, the freakiest is last...a glass box in the middle of a pedestrian thoroghfare. Step in and go! Would you truly believe no one could see in while you can see out so perfectly?
Posted by Tilly Greene at 12:09 PM 32 comments
Labels: interesting photo, misc, thursday thirteen, Tilly Greene
Just in case you didn't know...
The Stanley Cup playoffs have started!
Go Devil's!
This year it isn't so much a guarantee as when Scott Stevens was the captain, but I'm still hoping they'll pull it off. Marty Bordeur helps the confidence levels greatly.
Hopefully I'll find it somewhere on the tv here.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 12:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: personal, Sport - Ice Hockey, Tilly Greene
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hump Day Reflections!
She was walking towards him, hips swaying seductively, elegant hands stroking along her thighs, and he wanted. His dick hardened further as her dress, soft and fluid like water, slipped and slinked around her lush feminine form. The top covered her full and ripe breasts, at the same time allowed them to bounce freely beneath the covering. His eyes were drawn to nipples pebbled with excitement. He was immediately enticed to run his hands up her smooth thighs, pulling the silk dress up until she was completely bare. It didn't matter that they were out in public, he wanted and wouldn't be denied. Standing up, he ignored the hard-on tenting his pants and stepped forward to meet her. Using his hands on her ass, he pulled her close, prodding her with his cock and kissed her with all the lust roiling through him. The red satin was cool to the touch but he could feel the heat of her body just beneath the surface. Oh yes, she wanted too.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: erotic musings, hump day reflections, life, misc, Tilly Greene
A bit of random ridiculousness...
Whenever I go on a trip I take shorts and t-shirt to sleep in. There's a hotel in Sheffield we frequent and they always seem to have fire alarms going off [yes, I've been both asleep and in the tub when this has happened]. Personally I think I've shown enough to the local fire department, hotel staff and random visitors to last a lifetime.
Posted by Tilly Greene at 1:08 PM 2 comments
Labels: life, random ridiculousness, Tilly Greene, travel
Naughty Thought for Monday
Posted by Tilly Greene at 8:26 AM 2 comments
Labels: erotic musings, misc, naughty thought for monday, sexy drawing, Tilly Greene
Friday, April 06, 2007
Susan asked and I love it!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Naughty Thought for Monday
Posted by Tilly Greene at 3:44 PM 10 comments
Labels: erotic musings, misc, naughty thought for monday, sexy photo, Tilly Greene